What are the requirements regarding completion of potty training before starting at PlayMakers Preschool Early Childhood Learning Center?

Our program focuses on the needs and development of each individual child. We at PlayMakers Preschool are here to support your child where they are at. Potty training is not required prior to enrollment. If your child is showing interest in potty training or “toilet learning” readiness, then we will discuss it with the family and support the child through the toilet learning process. We do ask families to provide extra changes of clothing, diapers, etc. during the process.

What are the teacher to child ratios at PlayMakers Preschool Early Childhood Learning Center?

PlayMakers Preschool’ ratios are no more than 1:8 in our preschool class (three to five years old) with a max class size of 24 children, and 1:7 in our toddler class (24 months to three years old) with a max class size of 14, and 1:4 in our Young Infants and Older infant classes with a max class size of eight with a ratio of 1:4. Our ratios are well below state licensing requirements to provide a high-quality interactive experience for our learners.

What is play-based learning?

Learning through play is a term used in education and psychology to describe how a child can learn to make sense of the world around them. Through play, children can develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally, and gain the self-confidence required to engage in new experiences and environments.

Does PlayMakers Preschool follow a standard curriculum?

PlayMakers Preschool is a play-and-inquiry-based program. Through individual needs, relationships, and play we embrace emergent curriculum. Emergent curriculum is a way of planning curriculum that is based on the children’s interests and passions at a certain point in time. Children thrive and learn best when their interests are captured. Learning occurs naturally.

How do I learn about child care tax credits?

Detailed information on federal child care tax credits for parents is available from:

  • The Internal Revenue Service: Call (800) TAX-1040 or (800) 829-1040
  • Tax Information for Families:
    • Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
    • Child Tax Credit
    • Earned Income Tax Credit
    • The National Women’s Law Center

*Credit amounts may change from year to year, are usually dependent on total family income and size, and may be subject to maximum income or child care spending limitations. Consult your tax advisor, the IRS, and state revenue officials to confirm your eligibility.

Is there financial aid/scholarships available?

Financial aid is available through Child Care Resource Center for those whose incomes qualify. Please contact CCRC directly at 818-717-1000 or ccrcca.org.

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